Engineering and Technical Education
Physics, Chemical, Biology Education
Maths Education
Medical Simulators / Nursing
1.1. Section 01 - Kits
1.1.1. Physics Laboratory Sets
1.1.2. Basic Kits
1.1.3. Advanced Kits
1.2. Section 02 - Physics
1.2.1. Statics of solids
1.2.2. Dynamics
1.2.3. Translational motion
1.2.4. Rotational motion
1.2.5. Oscillatory motion
1.2.6. Inertia- Collisions - Two-dimension motion
1.2.7. Liquids
1.2.8. Gases and vacuum
1.2.9. Wave's propagation
1.2.10. Sound Waves
1.2.11. Molecular aspect of matter
1.2.12. Temperature and Heat
1.2.13. Geometrical Optics
1.2.14. Wave Optics
1.2.15. Optical Benches
1.2.16. Electrostatics
1.2.17. Electrical conduction
1.2.18. Magnetism and electromagnetism
1.2.19. Atomic Physics
1.3. Section 03 - Technique and Energy
1.3.1. Energy conversions
1.3.2. Renewable energies
1.4. Section 04 - Microscopy
1.4.1. On-field microscopy kits
1.4.2. Biological microscopes
1.4.3. Stereomicroscopes
1.4.4. Multimedia system
1.4.5. Microscopy accessories
1.4.6. Optical magnifiers
1.4.7. Prepared slides for microscopy
1.5. Section 05 - Biology
1.5.1. Botany
1.5.2. Zoology
1.5.3. Experiments on human beings
1.5.4. Human anatomy and DNA models
1.6. Section 06 - Ecology
1.6.1. Kit for environmental analysis
1.6.2. Items for sample's collection
1.6.3. Stations for the detection of air pollution
1.6.4. Digital instruments
1.7. Section 07 - Meterology
1.7.1. Instruments and weather stations
1.8. Section 08 - Astronomy and Earth Science
1.8.1. Rocks, fossils and minerals
1.8.2. Geological models
1.8.3. The Earth and the solar system
1.9. Section 09 – Chemistry
1.9.1. Periodic table of elements
1.9.2. Molecular models and atomic models
1.9.3. PH-meters
1.9.4. Refractometry
1.9.5. Polarimetry
1.9.6. Spectroscopy
1.9.7. Electrology
1.10. Section 10 – On-Line Science
1.10.1. Interfaces
1.10.2. MBL Sensors
1.10.3. USB Sensor
1.11. Section 11 – Drawing and Mathematics
1.11.1. Drawing
1.11.2. Enumeration
1.11.3. Logics
1.11.4. Fractions and percentages
1.11.5. Geometry
1.11.6. Mathematics on magnetic blackboard
1.12. Section 12 – Measurement Instruments
1.12.1. Lengths and angles
1.12.2. Volumes/Time intervals
1.12.3. Temperature
1.12.4. Density/Forces, weights and masses
1.12.5. Electrical devices
1.13. Section 13 – Lab Tools
1.13.1. Items and instruments
1.13.2. Electrical power sources
2.1. Data Logging
2.1.1. Data Loggers Data Logging Range
2.1.2. Sensors Sensor Range
2.1.3. Apps Cross-platform software
2.1.4. Accesories All Accessories
2.2. Dynamics
2.2.1. Dynamics System
2.2.2. Software Cross-platform software
2.2.3. Accessories All Accessories
2.3. Teaching
2.3.1. Teaching Packs
2.3.2. Teaching Metarials
2.4. More Science
2.4.1. Smart Microscopes
2.4.2. Genecon Hand-Held Dynamo
2.4.3. Renewable Energy
2.5. Product Brochures
2.5.1. Primary Teaching Brochure
2.5.2. Secondary Teaching Brochure
3.1. Anatomical Models
3.1.1. Skeleton Models Pelvises Limbs Full Body Skulls Spines Bones
3.1.2. Organs & Structures Respiratory System Brain & Nerves Urinary System Skin-Hair-Nail Head Models Circulatory System - Blood Vessels Circulatory System - Hearts Circulatory System - Circulation Liver Muscular Models Kidneys Ears Torsos Digestive System Teeth
3.2. 3D Anatomy Series
3.3. Medical Simulators
3.3.1. Auscultation
3.3.2. Endoscopy
3.3.3. Gynaecology
3.3.4. Skin Suture
3.3.5. Injection
3.3.6. Nursing Chronic Wounds Diabetes Catheterisation Nursing Dolls - Baby & Child Dolls Nursing Dolls - Adult Dolls Stoma Care
3.3.7. Cancer Prevention
3.3.8. Emergency Airway CPR - Baby & Child Dolls CPR - Adult Dolls All Dolls - Baby & Child Dolls All Dolls - Adult Dolls Rescue Thorax Trauma Simulation
3.3.9. X-RAY / CT
3.3.10. Pregnancy & Birth
3.3.11. Ultrasound
Wound moulage sacral decubitus, untreated
This moulage shows the sacral area with a pressure ulcus in an unattended stage. The tissue has died under continuous pressure and necrotic tissue is visible. The actual size of the necrotic area can not be defined and needs surgical therapy. The moulage adheres on simulated patients or manikins, it can be fixed with special skin glue for longer training sessions. The anal fold is represented to demonstrate the typical challenges when dressing the wound. Supplied with storage box....
Diabetic injection pad
This pad that looks and feels like real human skin is ideal for diabetic instruction and injection practice. May be worn in specific body locations to allow patients to inject fluids into the pad to practice giving themselves injections. Pad is thick enough to accept all insulin needles. For safety purposes the oval pad has a hard plastic backing to prevent the needle from pocking through....
Catheterization trainer with male genital insert Henri and female genital insert Florence
Named after historical figures Henri Dunant and Florence Nightingale, our professional training models realistically simulate and educate on proper transurethral bladder catheterization in both the male and female human. Their namesake represents our appreciation for important milestones in medical innovation and our commitment to setting new standards for patient care education. The pelvic housing is modular, allowing for the use of both male and female genital inserts while strictly maintaining the unique anatomical position of each. The innovative bladder is designed to accommodate these different anatomies an...
Five Year Pediatric Care Simulator
The five year old is a sophisticated pediatric simulator for training in standard and advanced clinical procedures. These simulator is nowavailable with optional site specific heart and lung sounds. Product features: - Soft, lifelike faceskin, self-molded hair - Eyes open and close in realistic eyesockets for ophthalmic procedures - Fully articulating head and jaw with teeth and tongue - NG and otic exercises - Bends at waist as in human, jointed elbows, wrists, knees and ankles - Realistic hands, feet, fingers and toes - Soft upper body skin over hard upper body for realistic feel - Detachable at waist ...
KERi nursing care doll
This highly realistic care doll finds its uses specifically in nursing care. This doll is characterised particularly by the very high mobility and the extremely true to life imitation of the face, hands and feet.This model offers the following equipment and practising possibilities:- Male and female bladder catheterisation- Prostatic examination (stage B)- Stoma care (ileostomy and colostomy)- Tracheostomy care (rinsing and aspiration)- Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastroscopy PEG care- Changing dentures (upper and lower mandible)- Administration of drugs to the eye- Body care, hair care, positioning methods- Enema ca...
Ostomy Care Model
This model contains four stomas that can be lubricated and dilated with an inserted finger. Model may be washed, taped, bandaged or fitted with ostomy bags. Supplied with lubricant....
Bandaging Simulator
This simulator consists of a female torso with flexible, lifelike skin which realistically responds to adhesives and all types of bandaging procedures. 14 different wounds allow one to practice wound management techniques, cleaning and bandaging techniques just like on a real patient. Wound closures feature surgical staples and sutures which cannot be removed.The simulator is supplied in a carrying case and features the following wounds:- Thyroidectomy- Mid-sternal split with chest tube drains (surgical staples)- Mastectomy with simulated drain- Cholecystectomy with simulated T-tube- Laparotomy (surgical staples)...
Common Foot Problems
An incredibly realistic, life-size, handpainted foot replica moulded from an actual human foot. Abnormalities include: bunion, callus, corn, inflamed toenail, open sore, and dry, cracked skin. Great for use when working with diabetic patients!Size: 23 x 9.5 x 11.5 cm...
Female catheterisation model
What sets this model apart is its unparalleled realism in depicting the natural circumstances. The special plastic conveys to the user a realistic and lifelike feeling when inserting and removing the catheter. Model as LM61, but without lower torso. This model can be used to be attached to a doll or person....
Special needs Infant, male
Special needs infants require specific yet gentle care which includes the performance of vital medical procedures. This newborn-size infant allows health care facilities and medical staff to teach special procedures and develop a nursing care plan for special needs infants. The Special Needs Infant was developed for a wide range of educational training, including beginning nursing students. Medical devices that can be used include: tracheostomy tube and suction catheter, gastrostomy tube, nasogastric tube, and urethral catheter. Other general cares that may be practiced include: bathing, diapering, and various dr...
GERi geriatric care doll
With this special model, geriatric training acquires particularly high esteem. It presents itself as the ideal aid to teachers of geriatric care, who can practise all the relevant measures realistically using this model. The outer aspect of this special care doll is an impressive imitation of the appearance of an elderly person. Lesions specifically reproduced on the body, such as, for example, liver spots (normal and pathological), skin inflammation under the female breast and a pressure sore complete the appearance and further increase the didactic value of the model. The following care measures can be practis...
Wound Foot “Wilma”
Moulded from a real foot for a true-life experience when assessing the various wounds. Twenty different conditions are presented so you can see and understand how they are different. Great care has been taken to colour each wound just as you would see it on a patient. Once the different etiologies are understood, you can discuss and devise treatment plans that will deliver optimized patient care. The following wounds and abnormalities are included: pressure ulcers, deep tissue injury, callus, amputated toe, gangrene, maceration, partial thickness wounds, corn, ingrown toenail, blister, hammer toes, and skin stapl...
Diabetic Injection model kit
Made from realistic material, these teaching models facilitate technique practice on both an injection "skin" and a finger stick apparatus. The skin model may be strapped to the user‘s arm or leg to simulate a needle injection site, and the finger stick model may be held by the attached grip for lancet practice. Both can be punctures repeatedly. Replacement available. Comes with carrying case....
Micro-Preemie Infant Simulator
According to a WHO study one out of ten babies is born prematurely. Delivery of an extremely low birth weight infant (=1000g) remains to be an extreme medical emergency. The Micro-Preemie manikin simulates a 25-week neonate – the smallest, most realistically proportioned. The manikin is entirely flexible and offers training opportunities for a number of commonly performed procedures nn Extraordinary realism is achieved with the preemie’s pose and lack of muscle tone. - Invaluable for simulation training in the care and handling techniques for infants requiring multiple medical interventions at the li...
Advanced GERi geriatric care doll
With this special model, geriatric training acquires particularly high esteem. It presents itself as the ideal aid to teachers of geriatric care, who can practise all the relevant measures realistically using this model. The outer aspect of this special care doll is an impressive imitation of the appearance of an elderly person. Lesions specifically reproduced on the body, such as, for example, liver spots (normal and pathological), skin inflammation under the female breast and a pressure sore complete the appearance and further increase the didactic value of the model. The following care measures can be practis...
Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot
Chronic foot ulcers affect elderly the most, we have designed the Elderly Pressure Ulcer Foot for instruction on care and cleaning of pressure ulcers in various stages. Pressure ulcers are more likely to appear over pressure points such as heels, tips of toes, between toes, or anywhere the bones may protrude and rub against socks, shoes, or bed sheets. This replica contains all four severity stages:- Stage I: Located on the bottom of the toe. Surface of the skin is red.- Stage II: Located on the bottom of the foot just under the toe. Surface of the skin is red and deeper into the skin layers.- Stage III: Located ...
Unhealthy foot model
An unhealthy foot model to help teach the importance of proper foot care and nutrition to people with diabetes. This foot replica shows the distal end of the foot with an invasive wound on the bottom of foot and surface inflammation around the big toe and second toe. Life-size foot made of soft, lifelike material with flexible toes....
Newborn Nursing Skills and ALS Simulator
This training model was developed to meet the objectives of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program’s course curriculum published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. It offers multiple training opportunities: Airway, Breathing, and Ventilation - Anatomical landmarks - Auscultation of lung sounds during ventilation - Bilateral lung expansion with visually dramatic chestrise - ET tube insertion - Manually control rate and depth of respiration - Positive pressure ventilation - Realistic chest compressions - Sellick maneuver - Unilateral chest movement option (collapsed lung and mainstem intubation) Bi...
Nursing Anne SimPad, complete package incl. training
Complete Bundle including Nursing Anne manikin, SimPad Plus System complete, LLEAP License as well as training session on site and 3 VILT sessions. Includes Monitoring software Windows. Nursing Anne is a manikin designed for scenario-based training for the care and management of a wide variety of in-hospital patients. Nursing Anne is an efficient, effective, flexible manikin for clinical training in women’s health, obstetrics, post-partum, wound assessment and care, and general patient assessment and care. Product Benefits:- Educationally effective for in-hospital training targeting key skills for in-hosp...
Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Trainers
The Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Trainers assist with the instruction of advanced therapy management for many types of acute and chronic wounds. Use the trainers for demonstration of application, placement, and management of a negative-pressure wound therapy system and for the care of wounds. These unique trainers have different depths of wound care, including tunneling. The lifelike texture of the skin and realistic appearance of the wounds give added realism to training. Appropriate wound care bandaging products can be used. Pump device and bandaging supplies not included....
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