Engineering and Technical Education
Physics, Chemical, Biology Education
Maths Education
Section 01 - Kits / Basic Kits
1.1. Section 01 - Kits
1.1.1. Physics Laboratory Sets
1.1.2. Basic Kits
1.1.3. Advanced Kits
1.2. Section 02 - Physics
1.2.1. Statics of solids
1.2.2. Dynamics
1.2.3. Translational motion
1.2.4. Rotational motion
1.2.5. Oscillatory motion
1.2.6. Inertia- Collisions - Two-dimension motion
1.2.7. Liquids
1.2.8. Gases and vacuum
1.2.9. Wave's propagation
1.2.10. Sound Waves
1.2.11. Molecular aspect of matter
1.2.12. Temperature and Heat
1.2.13. Geometrical Optics
1.2.14. Wave Optics
1.2.15. Optical Benches
1.2.16. Electrostatics
1.2.17. Electrical conduction
1.2.18. Magnetism and electromagnetism
1.2.19. Atomic Physics
1.3. Section 03 - Technique and Energy
1.3.1. Energy conversions
1.3.2. Renewable energies
1.4. Section 04 - Microscopy
1.4.1. On-field microscopy kits
1.4.2. Biological microscopes
1.4.3. Stereomicroscopes
1.4.4. Multimedia system
1.4.5. Microscopy accessories
1.4.6. Optical magnifiers
1.4.7. Prepared slides for microscopy
1.5. Section 05 - Biology
1.5.1. Botany
1.5.2. Zoology
1.5.3. Experiments on human beings
1.5.4. Human anatomy and DNA models
1.6. Section 06 - Ecology
1.6.1. Kit for environmental analysis
1.6.2. Items for sample's collection
1.6.3. Stations for the detection of air pollution
1.6.4. Digital instruments
1.7. Section 07 - Meterology
1.7.1. Instruments and weather stations
1.8. Section 08 - Astronomy and Earth Science
1.8.1. Rocks, fossils and minerals
1.8.2. Geological models
1.8.3. The Earth and the solar system
1.9. Section 09 – Chemistry
1.9.1. Periodic table of elements
1.9.2. Molecular models and atomic models
1.9.3. PH-meters
1.9.4. Refractometry
1.9.5. Polarimetry
1.9.6. Spectroscopy
1.9.7. Electrology
1.10. Section 10 – On-Line Science
1.10.1. Interfaces
1.10.2. MBL Sensors
1.10.3. USB Sensor
1.11. Section 11 – Drawing and Mathematics
1.11.1. Drawing
1.11.2. Enumeration
1.11.3. Logics
1.11.4. Fractions and percentages
1.11.5. Geometry
1.11.6. Mathematics on magnetic blackboard
1.12. Section 12 – Measurement Instruments
1.12.1. Lengths and angles
1.12.2. Volumes/Time intervals
1.12.3. Temperature
1.12.4. Density/Forces, weights and masses
1.12.5. Electrical devices
1.13. Section 13 – Lab Tools
1.13.1. Items and instruments
1.13.2. Electrical power sources
2.1. Data Logging
2.1.1. Data Loggers Data Logging Range
2.1.2. Sensors Sensor Range
2.1.3. Apps Cross-platform software
2.1.4. Accesories All Accessories
2.2. Dynamics
2.2.1. Dynamics System
2.2.2. Software Cross-platform software
2.2.3. Accessories All Accessories
2.3. Teaching
2.3.1. Teaching Packs
2.3.2. Teaching Metarials
2.4. More Science
2.4.1. Smart Microscopes
2.4.2. Genecon Hand-Held Dynamo
2.4.3. Renewable Energy
2.5. Product Brochures
2.5.1. Primary Teaching Brochure
2.5.2. Secondary Teaching Brochure
3.1. Anatomical Models
3.1.1. Skeleton Models Pelvises Limbs Full Body Skulls Spines Bones
3.1.2. Organs & Structures Respiratory System Brain & Nerves Urinary System Skin-Hair-Nail Head Models Circulatory System - Blood Vessels Circulatory System - Hearts Circulatory System - Circulation Liver Muscular Models Kidneys Ears Torsos Digestive System Teeth
3.2. 3D Anatomy Series
3.3. Medical Simulators
3.3.1. Auscultation
3.3.2. Endoscopy
3.3.3. Gynaecology
3.3.4. Skin Suture
3.3.5. Injection
3.3.6. Nursing Chronic Wounds Diabetes Catheterisation Nursing Dolls - Baby & Child Dolls Nursing Dolls - Adult Dolls Stoma Care
3.3.7. Cancer Prevention
3.3.8. Emergency Airway CPR - Baby & Child Dolls CPR - Adult Dolls All Dolls - Baby & Child Dolls All Dolls - Adult Dolls Rescue Thorax Trauma Simulation
3.3.9. X-RAY / CT
3.3.10. Pregnancy & Birth
3.3.11. Ultrasound
B1 States and properties of matter – Measurement
24 feasible experiments. • Space• Matter• Bodies• The three states of matter• A property of bodies: impenetrability• Other properties of bodies• The meaning of the comparison between different bodies• Qualitative and quantitative comparisons• Measurable properties and physical magnitudes• Measurement of a physical magnitudes• The metric decimal system• Length• The linear rule: a calibrated tool• Geometry• The fundamental bodies of geometry and the real world• Straight lines and curved lines• The metric wheel• The curvimeter...
B2 Forces
22 Feasible experiments. • Meaning of words• Force, a primitive concept• Contact force and non contact force• Plastic materials and elastic materials• Contact force: elastic force• Non contact force: weight• The effects of forces• Active forces and passive forces• How to compare forces• A property of elastic bodies: from qualitative to quantitative• Spring scale• The unit of measurement of forces• How to use the spring scale• Vector representation of forces• The center of gravity• When a body falls freely• The weight does not re...
B3 Equilibrium and simple machines
14 Feasible experiments. • Know the forces• How to sum forces• The parallelogram rule• The resultant of parallel forces having same direction• How to use our strength intelligently• Equilibrium of a rod• Simple machines• First class of lever• Second class of lever• Third class of lever• Some examples of levers• Pulleys• Fixed pulley• Movable pulley• Simple tackle• Inclined plane...
B4 Pressure, fluids and flotation
20 feasible experiments. • How to walk on the snow• When a force is distributed on a surface• The footprints• Footprint depth• The concept of pressure• Pressure: a new physical magnitude• The non-precision of common language• Knives, nails, thumbtacks and so on• Pressure and liquids• How to apply a force to a liquid• How to apply a force to a gas• Pressure in liquids• When the pressure in a liquid is generated by its weight• The specific weight• A property of pressure generated by the weight of a liquid• Two applications of Stevin&rs...
B5 Motion
15 Feasible experiments. • At rest or in motion?• Motion along a line• Motion on a plane• Motion in space• Trajectory• Time• Periodic motions• Pendulum motion• The period of a pendulum• Does the period of a pendulum depend on the amplitude of its oscillation?• Does the period of a pendulum depend on its length?• Does the period of a pendulum depend on its mass?• A tool for measuring time intervals• The average speed• Instantaneous speed• The uniform rectilinear motion and its law depending on time• Forces and motion• Fricti...
B6 Temperature, heat and changes in status
19 Feasible experiments. • Thermal sensations• How to compare thermal sensations• A new physical magnitude: the temperature• Thermal expansion of solids• Thermal expansion of liquids• Thermal expansion of aeriform substances• How to compare temperatures – The thermoscope• The thermometer• The thermometric scales• How to use the thermometer• When two bodies at different temperatures touch each other• Thermal balance• Heat• Propagation of heat in solids• Propagation of heat in liquids• Propagation of heat in gases• Irradiati...
B7 Light and its phenomena
23 Feasible experiments. • The optical projector• Why we see objects• Rectilinear propagation of light• Law of illumination• Shadow and dim light• Eclipse• The rays of light do not exist, the diffusion of light• Reflection of light• Reflection due to spherical mirrors• Refraction of light• Refraction law• Total reflection• Lenses• Refraction due to lenses• The images in the flat mirrors• Images in the lenses• The conjugated points• Human eye• The defects of the human eye• White light: light scattering• Color ...
B8 Sound
27 Feasible experiments. • Hearing• When do we hear a sound?• The oscillations• The period of oscillations• The frequency of oscillations• The graphic representation of the oscillations• Why we hear sounds• Acoustic waves• How acoustic waves are transformed into sounds• The ear: a receiver of acoustic waves• The ear-brain system• The limits of audibility• The sensitivity of the hearing system• How to reinforce auditory sensitivity• The distinctive characters of the sounds• Stereophony• The reflection of acoustic waves• Inte...
B9 Electricity and electric current
21 Feasible experiments. • Electricity• Triboelectricity• Protons and electrons• Electric actions• Electrostatic induction• Double electric pendulum• Contact electrization• The leaf electroscope• Electrical state of a body• Determination of the electrical state of a body• Even the air can be electrified• The biological effects of air ionization• Lightning• Electricity in motion• Batteries• Volta battery• Electric potential difference• Voltmeter• Electrical circuit• Conductors and insulators• Intensity of the ...
B10 Magnets and electromagnets
15 Feasible experiments. • Magnets• Magnetic poles• Materials and magnets• Magnetic needle• Terrestrial magnetism• The compass• Magnetic interactions• Magnetic levitation• Magnetic field• Magnetic induction• How to create a magnet• The magnetic effect of the electric current• Electromagnet• The sucking power of a coil• Electric bell...
B11 Work and energy – renewable energy
20 Feasible experiments. • What is a transformation• Physics and chemical transformations• Balanced forces and unbalanced forces• The concept of work in everyday language• The concept of work in physics• Work: a new magnitudes• When the force is not parallel to displacement• The concept of energy in everyday language• The concept of energy in physics• Work and energy• How energy is measured• The two forms of mechanical energy• Kinetic energy• Gravitational potential energy• Plastic materials, elastic materials• The potential elastic ...
B12 Water and its properties
30 feasible experiments. • Hydrosphere• Water is a chemical compound• Surface tension• Water is not elastic• Movement of water molecules• The three states of water• Volume of water• Capillarity• Weight of the water• Water heating• Thermal expansion of the water• Water evaporation• Boiling water• Condensation of water vapor• Water cycle• Rain• Rain gauge• Specific weight and density of the water• Archimede’s principle• Floating on water• Water pressure• Communicating vessels• Pascal principle&b...
B13 Air and its properties
32 feasible experiments. • Atmosphere• Air exists• Air composition• Absolute and relative humidity• Air is impenetrable• Air is elastic• Air pressure• Pascal principle• Compressed air and rarefied air• Air temperature• When the air warms up• Winds• How winds are used• Air has a weight• Atmospheric pressure• Some applications of atmospheric pressure• Barometers• When the air is moving• Air to fly• Air brakes the fall• Air for life• Air pollution• Greenhouse effect• Consequences of the greenhouse...
B14 Plants
25 feasible experiments. • Introduction• Seed morphology• Seed germination• Aqueous solutions• Osmosis• Mineral salts• Roots• Root hairs• Movement of the roots• Stem• Internal structure of the stem• Underground stems• Absorption of the lymph• Capillarity• Why in the summer the leaves are green• Why in autumn the leaves are yellow• Chlorophyll photosynthesis• The transpiration of plants• Starch• Morphology of the flower• Fruit• Development of carbon dioxide in plants• How to build an herbarium...
B15 Animals
15 Feasible experiments. • Biology• Cells• The food chain• Eat to live• Starch in foods• Digestion of starch• How to recognize fat types• Digestion of fats• How to recognize protein types• Protein digestion• Enzymes• Taste buds• Energy and life of animals• Combustion• Breathing of animals• pH and organic reactions...
B16 Eye and sight
28 Feasible experiments. • Light• Light sources and lighting bodies• If there was no air• The light carries energy• The nature of light• Electromagnetic waves spectrum• Sight• Eye: a light receiver• Lenses• Eye as an optical system• Defects of the eye and their correction• Resolving power of the eye and visual acuity• Eye-brain system• Persistence of images on the retina• White light• Temporal synthesis of colors: Newton disk• Spatial synthesis of colors• Binocular vision• The sense of depth• Stereoscopic vision&b...
B17 Ear and hearing
16 Feasible experiments. • Oscillatory motion• Graphic representation of oscillatory motion• When we hear a sound• Why we hear sounds• Acoustic waves• How acoustic waves are transformed into sounds• Ear: a receiver of acoustic waves• The ear – brain system• Audibility limits• Distinctive characters of the sounds• Sensitivity of the auditory system• How to reinforce auditory sensitivity• Stereophony• Echo and reverberation• How to take care of the hearing system...
B18 Touch, smell and taste
Touch (11 feasible experiments)Smell (8 feasible experiments)Taste (6 feasible experiments) TOUCH• Skin• Skin sensitivity• Stimulus of contact• Pressure stimulus• Pain stimulus• Temperature and heat• Body temperature• Thermal stimulus• See with touch• Fingerprints• Skin hygiene SMELL• How the matter is made• Aggregation states of the matter• Change in states• Nose: the smell organ• How the smells are felt• How to identify the smells• Addiction to smells• Nose hygiene TASTE• Tongue: organ of taste• How we fe...
B19 Environment of life
23 Feasible experiments. • Soil as a habitat• Mineral fraction of the soil• Organic fraction of the soil• Soil contains air• Soil contains water• Practice on the use of acidity indicators• Soil acidity• Carbonates in the soil• The permeability of the soil• Soil fertility• Biodegradability and soil• Water for life• Water cycle• Vaporization and condensation of water• The rain• Sea water• Drinking water and its distribution• Water pollution• How to look for ammonia• How to look for nitrite• How to look for sulp...
B20 Introduction to chemistry
23 feasible experiments. • Alcohol burner• Matter• Atoms• Molecules• Cohesion force• Molecules motion• Physics and chemistry phenomena• Elements and compounds• The three states of matter• Change in states• Fusion and solidification• Vaporization and condensation• The mixtures: solid in solid• The mixtures: solid in liquid• The mixtures: liquid in liquid• Solutions• Crystals• Chemical reactions• Oxidation• Combustion...
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