This highly realistic care doll finds its uses specifically in nursing care. This doll is characterised particularly by the very high mobility and the extremely true to life imitation of the face, hands and feet.
This model offers the following equipment and practising possibilities:
- Male and female bladder catheterisation
- Prostatic examination (stage B)
- Stoma care (ileostomy and colostomy)
- Tracheostomy care (rinsing and aspiration)
- Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastroscopy PEG care
- Changing dentures (upper and lower mandible)
- Administration of drugs to the eye
- Body care, hair care, positioning methods
- Enema care (female), oral and nasal douches
- I.m. injection (4 injection sites), oral hygiene
- Syringing of the ears, insertion of hearing aids
- Bandages on fingers and toes (mobile and individually shaped)
- Care of lesions, bandaging practice, pressure sore care