MDU-SSC Software, Sensors and Control for MDU Unit

The aim of the vibration analyzer is to assess the machine diagnosis testing with the different kits related to the vibration interface technology.

The system consists of two acceleration sensors, a speed sensor, a measuring amplifier with adjustable amplification degree, a USB box and the analysis software.

The analysis software has the following features: two-channel oscilloscope (studies in the time domain), two-channel spectrum analyzer (studies in the frequency domain), vibration intensity gauge, analysis of shock effects and damage in roller bearings, filter for acceleration curve recording, orbit representation and module for single or dual plane balancing of rigid rotors in operation.

Thanks to the software, it is possible to compare the effectiveness of vibration signals by applying various analysis methods and by determining the advantages and disadvantages of different techniques. Each connection unit includes a 1x, 10x, 100x amplifier, with 16 analog input channels, 4 analog output channels, 4 digital input channels and 4 output channels, which will make possible the coupling of the sensors.

The optional connection of the additional recommended element, the Displacement Sensors for MDU Unit, "MDU-SD".

This unit is connected via USB.

It can be used both in a laptop or a computer.

Motor control (MDU-UB) and brake control (MDU-BLU) are optional.

Catalog (pdf)
Şartnameler (doc)
MDU-SSC Software, Sensors and Control for MDU Unit