The family of Machine Diagnosis Unit, "MDU", of Edibon, allows you to perform vibration measurement practical exercises, measuring the displacement, velocity and acceleration of vibrations in the time-frequency range.
The family of Machine Diagnosis Unit, "MDU", of Edibon, allows you to perform vibration measurement practical exercises, measuring the displacement, velocity and acceleration of vibrations in the time-frequency range.
The MDU Base Unit, "MDU-UB", components are mechanical elements such as: flexible couplings for compensating misalignments, bearings with easily removable roller bearings, two rotor shafts of different lengths, two flywheels with replaceable counterweights and an asynchronous drive motor connected to a frequency converter and a tachometer generator.
All the elements can be mounted on an aluminum frame of 1100 x 770 mm with longitudinal grooves for displacement. They can be easily adjusted using screws.
The unit electronic console makes it possible to show on digital displays the speed and power of the motor, to adjust the motor speed using a potentiometer, and to select the direction of rotation of the motor.
The drive motor is mounted on a sliding carriage that includes two micrometer for precise alignment.
Specific cases of machine faults may be studied with the additional recommended elements, such as: shaft bending vibrations, shaft fissures, roller bearing faults, coupling vibrations, belt drive vibrations, gear faults, pump cavitation, blower vibration, and electromechanical vibrations. Furthermore, with the Bread and Load Unit, "MDU- BLU", ranges of two loading moments may be generated as well as two speed ranges.
The Software, Sensors and Control for MDU Unit, "MDU-SSC" is required to perform all measurements and analyze vibrations.
The MDU Base Unit, "MDU-UB", requires the following to be assembled:
Mobile Structure for MDU, "MDU-MLB", or
Top Table Structure for MDU, "MDU-SM".
We also offer the Computer Controlled Machine Diagnosis Unit, "MDUC", which includes the following components:
MDU Base Unit, "MDU-UB".
Software, Sensors and Control for MDU Unit, "MDU-SSC".
Displacement Sensors for MDU Unit, "MDU-SD".